020 8303 8872
Pickford Lane Osteopath Clinic
Bexleyheath Osteopath
Bexleyheath Osteopaths on Pickford Lane.
Experts in back, neck, joint, nerve and muscle pain.
Providing a friendly professional service.
Open 7 days a week evening appointments and parking.
Only a two minutes walk from Bexleyheath Train Station.
Monday to Friday: 8.30am-8.30pm
Sat: 10.00am-6.00pm Sun: 10am-4pm
What is Osteopathy?
Bexleyheath Osteopaths Pickford Lane Osteopath Clinic. To qualify, an osteopath must study for four or five years for an undergraduate degree. This is similar to a medical degree but with more emphasis on anatomy and includes long hours of training in osteopathic treatment. By law all Osteopaths must register with the General Osteopathic Council ( GOsC ). The British Medical Association's guidance for doctors states they can safely refer patients to osteopaths.
Osteopathy is suitable for all age groups, and treatment is tailored to the individual through use of a broad range of manual therapeutic techniques. Osteopathic treatment is aimed at encouraging improved tissue health, reducing discomfort and restoring a state of balance within the body. Applied through the practitioner’s therapeutic hand contact, treatment is suitable for improving joint mobility, relaxing and stretching muscles, reducing inflammation and offering pain relief.